Minecon 2013 Tickets

Minecon 2013 Tickets

The air was tense as the javascript clock counted down the seconds to 8:00am…

Three webpages open across dual monitors, Evenbrite in one, Minecon in the other…

Regular refreshes starting at t-minus 10 seconds…

Finally…one second left…a final refresh.


Refresh again…

Still, Nothing: “Batch 1 – Sold Out”

Then…at last…a qty drop down.

Frantically keying in qty 2…then, what seemed like hours, as the evenbrite page churned. Humanity barely existing in the fold of time…epic seconds between death and life. Suddenly, a glimmer of hope.

“4:59 to complete purchase”

I was in.

Confirmation email received…printed…locked in safety deposit box.