I wanted a Bukkit plugin that would allow me to sell predefined WorldGuard regions to players without requiring an admin to be online. Plus, I have wanted to learn how to develop Bukkit plugins. So, when I couldn’t find a plugin that did what I wanted, I took the plunge and wrote my own.

Listing a region for sale is easy.

Listing a region for sale is easy.


The plugin is simple, featuring only three commands:

/sellregion – *Offers a region for sale.*

/buyregion   – *Purchase a region that has been offered for sale.*

/regioninfo – *Get info on a region that is listed for sale.*


Installation is simple, just drag realestatecraft.jar into your plugins folder.


If you need help, have a feature request, or just want to comment, do so below!


Latest Build: .01

Source Code: GitHub


Sold a Region

Sold a Region

Get info on a region for sale.

Get info on a region for sale.